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If you just got the news of your partners’ pregnancy, you probably feel very overwhelmed. We understand, and you are not alone as you navigate through all the questions and concerns.  

Try to take a moment to process the news before making a final pregnancy decision. Our compassionate team is here to support you as you decide what’s next. We offer more information so you can make a confident decision.

You can do this!

Get Clarity with Pregnancy Confirmation

Your first step to clarity is pregnancy confirmation. If you and your partner confirmed her pregnancy with a home pregnancy test, be sure to follow up with free pregnancy testing at our center today. Pregnancy confirmation will determine what options you have.

What’s My First Step?

You may be asking yourself where you even begin? How did this even happen? Men ask similar questions, including…

  • What do we do now?
  • Can I financially support a child?
  • Is the baby really mine?
  • How do we tell her parents?
  • What are our pregnancy options?
  • What does she expect from me?

Processing the News

Give yourself time to process the news of an unplanned pregnancy on your own. Next, seek to support your partner in her decision moving forward. Be there for her and listen.

Do your best to be available for your partner whenever she needs you. 

Support for Men

If you do decide to parent, we connect mothers and fathers that choose to parent with community resources, government assistance programs and medical care to encourage and support them.

What are the tasks that will make you a great father?  Our Practical Fatherhood classes are simple, easy to follow, yet very important lessons for every father.   Classes are led by male mentors and cover topics such as being a good role model, “the Dad difference,” and consistency in parenting, as well as taking care of her during pregnancy and birth.   Enrolled fathers can earn Baby Bucks to purchase products from our center and resale shop.

Know my state.
Know my options.